What Is It Like to Work as a Hospital Pharmacy Technician?

Last Updated/Verified: Jan 17, 2025

Pharmacy technicians are taking on progressively expanding roles in the healthcare arena, and a need exists in the market for both new and experienced individuals. The healthcare system continues to become increasingly large and complex. There are many opportunities for pharmacy technicians, especially in a hospital setting. Read on to discover what pharmacy technicians can expect from a position in this sector.

The Initial Journey

Wuen Hernandez, a fourth-year pharmacy student (Class of 2021) from the University of Houston College of Pharmacy, has been working as a pharmacy technician in a large academic medical center. His interest in pharmacy was sparked when he enrolled in his high school's pharmacy technician preparatory class. This class was designed to teach high school students basic pharmacology, pharmacy mathematics, and pharmacy law. The main goal of this program was to allow graduating seniors to take the PTCB exam and hopefully obtain a job as a pharmacy technician post-graduation. As an incentive, the school offered to cover examination fees. Growing up, Hernandez always knew he wanted to work in the healthcare field, so this was an amazing opportunity that he couldn't miss.

The Transition

After five years of working retail chain pharmacy, Hernandez got tired of being overworked with minimal pay. There was always a constant push for more work, but with less help. He knew that he wanted to make a transition to find another job. He wanted to explore other fields of pharmacy – specifically, hospital pharmacy. A requirement for hospital inpatient pharmacy is having an IV certification, as it is a vital skill to serve acute care patients. He then enrolled in a pharmacy technician intravenous (IV) compounding certification class offered by a local company in Houston, TX. There are many organizations that offer this type of certification, which usually consists of a 2-day course with didactic and some practical applications.

Hernandez obtained his IV certification after completing the required training and started to apply for hospital pharmacy jobs, eventually finding employment at a tertiary hospital in the Texas Medical Center. By this time, he was getting ready to start pharmacy school and was not too sure which route in pharmacy he wanted to pursue. As a result, he kept both pharmacy technician jobs (in the hospital and in the retail chain). It is a good start to keep your options open by being in two settings if you have the time to dedicate and your manager is willing to work with your schedule. In addition, pharmacy technicians in retail sometimes get paid more than their hospital counterparts.

Onboarding Process and Job Duties

The hospital onboarding process requires the technician to complete various modules prior to receiving on-the-job training. Hernandez received a month-long training where he was able to shadow other pharmacy technicians to learn the daily workflow.

Hospital pharmacies have various roles for pharmacy technicians compared to retail pharmacies. During one shift, a pharmacy technician could be scheduled to do IVs, be the front technician to assist the pharmacy staff with first/cart fill doses, deliver medications, or prepare the oral syringe batch/pre-package medications. Other duties include preparing hazardous medication such as chemotherapy, preparing crash carts, RSI kits, and tackle boxes.

Hernandez’s hospital was big enough to have an operating room (OR) surgical satellite pharmacy where a pharmacist and pharmacy technician were staffed 24/7 to prepare any urgent/emergency (STAT) IV medication or deliver any medication needed in the OR. All hospitals have a central pharmacy where the main operations run from, but not all have satellite pharmacies, such as OR or intensive care units, as it takes more manpower and resources.

Key Takeaways

In many community hospitals, which comprise about 85% of all hospitals, resources are limited, so you learn to wear many different hats as a pharmacy technician. The evening team is responsible for pulling medications from the robotic inventory machine called MedCarousel for delivery/refill to all automatic dispensing units such as Pyxis. Again, depending on the size of the hospital and financial standpoint, different technologies exist due to capital costs. In general, when there is more automation, it helps to reduce some of the manual work. For example, with the robotic inventory carousel, it provides another level of protection in terms of retrieving the right medications with bar code scanning and reducing manual memorization of medications' locations.

When working at a hospital pharmacy you're working directly with a larger team, including doctors, nurses, respiratory therapists, speech therapists, and pharmacists, which is very different from a retail pharmacy. Except for a few unique pharmacy technician duties, inpatient pharmacy does not usually deal with patients directly since their main job is to handle medications, stock them on the units, and work with nurses and pharmacists to take care of their requests. The hospital pharmacy technician job can be exciting for people who enjoy working with healthcare professionals and embrace a fast-paced environment with many growth opportunities.

Phuoc Anne Nguyen, PharmD, MS, BCPS